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Solar power generation business Solar power generation business Solar power generation business

  • Solar power generation business

Solar power generation business

Best-of-breed solution.

Total Solution System


The special TOTAL SOLUTION SYSTEM of the GRANDSUN Technology Company maximizes the profits of the solar power generation business.
The Grand Sun Technology Company has gained experience in various projects by entering the business from the first year of the solar power generation business, and is an energy partner that provides the most reliable experience based on long-standing know-how.
It provides total solutions from project development to design, execution, EPC, completion and maintenance, and enables rapid return on investment based on the Grand Sun Technology Company's optimized system design and thorough quality priorities.

What is the solar power business?

Solar power generation business is a renewable energy business that generates profits by selling electricity generated through solar power plants to KEPCO and mandatory supply power generation companies regardless of the size of companies such as individuals or corporations.
It is attracting attention as an alternative investment product for investors due to its high stability and long-term return.

GRANDSUN Technology Company, an energy partner who opens the future together with honesty and trust


    Delivering superior design capabilities and solutions tailored to customer needs


    Integrated selection and procurement of construction materials


    Detailed planning, project management and construction

  • Selection of business site

    01. Selection of business site

    Confirmation of the possibility of solar power generation business
    - Land, building sector identification

  • Power generation business license

    02. Power generation business license

    Selection of the relevant local government
    -Eavesdropping: 500kW or more
    -County Office: Less than 500 kW
    Approximately 50 days after receipt (*Capacity standards vary by local government)

  • Development authorization

    03. Development authorization

    A city/county application for permission
    Approximately 15 days after receipt
    (Residents' consent if necessary)

  • Business registration

    04. Business registration

    Competent tax office (city/county unit)
    Approximately 7 days after receipt

  • Application for electricity supply contract

    05. Application for electricity supply contract

    On-site confirmation
    Determination of entry point (check before power generation permission)
    Payment of incoming construction costs

  • Report of construction plan

    06. Report of construction plan

    Confirmation of the relevant local government (provincial office, city/county office)
    Electrical Supervisor Selection (Design Supervision Contract)

  • Installation work

    07. Installation work

    Civil engineering work
    Electrical work (modules, inverters)
    Structural construction

  • Pre-use inspection

    08. Pre-use inspection

    Electrical Safety Corporation

  • A sales contract

    09. A sales contract

    Power supply contract (KNP/Electrical Exchange)
    REC mandatory contract
    -Mandatory purchase completed

  • Commercial operation start report

    10. Commercial operation start report

    A city/county report

  • Installation confirmation

    11. Installation confirmation

    Application for confirmation of facilities subject to RPS
    Confirmation of Korea Energy Corporation

  • REC Issuance/Transaction

    12. Issuance/Transaction of REC

    Renewable Energy Center
    -Issuance of REC
    Electricity Exchange
    -REC transaction



  • Solar

  • Power Plant

  • a form of transaction

RPS refers to a mandatory supply of renewable energy or a mandatory allocation system for renewable energy, and a system that obliges power generation businesses to supply a certain percentage of total power generation with renewable energy. Korea Electric Power Corporation's six power generation companies and seven private power generation companies will purchase REC (renewable energy supply certificates) by signing long-term contracts with renewable energy operators in addition to their own procurement to meet the power production ratio. Renewable Energy Supply Certificates (RECs) issued by the Energy Management Corporation are priced according to supply and demand. SMP is the unit price of electricity purchased by Korea Electric Power Corporation from various power generators at a systematic threshold price, and the sum of the above REC (Renewable Energy Supply Certificate) and SMP (System Limit Price) is the profit from electricity sales.

Transaction Types for Solar Power Generation Business

Transaction Types for Solar Power Generation Business




Experience-based, customized, deep learning solutions

The Grand Sun Technology Company has been carrying out solar power projects throughout Korea since 2012, the first year of the solar power generation business. There are more than 500 commercial power plants installed during this period and more than 7,000 residential power plants.
Due to the installation and operation of solar power plants in all parts of the country, we have excellent experience and provide deep learning solutions based on big data. Manage projects directly and provide deep insights and advanced knowledge of the energy sector.
The Grand Sun Technology Company provides the most efficient solution that meets customer needs, executes high project success rate, delivers quick feedback to customers, actively reflects customer needs, and strives to prepare and execute high satisfaction projects.

Grand Sun Technology Company Deep Learning Solution, EPC Service

Deep learning

Deep learning


